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a game is a game. gambling is when it involves something of value (money). Gambling is haram, as simple as that, no need twisting around, gambling is still haram. regarding scholar saying it haram, i think it depends on perspective. Even islam has mazhabs depend on the ulama perspective. Are cheese chips haram - answers.com No its halal u may be thinking of e631 something like that there are 3 ways to obtain it some are halal some are haram but the halal way is used ... but you cannot play things like Poker or 'Texas ... Betting - Haram or Halal? - YouTube Is betting halal or haram? Let's see the quran. Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech (with real subtitles) - Duration: 7:01. Rene Brokop 2,717,874 views Is gambling haram in Islam? | Yahoo Answers The sin is greater than the benefit. (Surah al-Baqarah ) By this would you agree gambling is Haram?. If you think gambling is not haram then give me reasons. And if you belive gambling is haram then it would be right to say that a muslim can not win anything cause to win something like a million pound you would need to gamble.
Dec 05, 2009 · Answers. Best Answer: Gambling is Haram/Forbidden in Islam. 1. Gambling is addictive and many people stake their hard-earned wages in forms of gambling and lose their wealth and even homes, while their families go hungry. This leads to many social ills, including the break up of families, and Islam is about building families...
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This answer was written when the question read: why is gambling haram? Gambling is haram afaik because it is the tool of Satan, turns men against one another, and makes them forget their devotion to Allah. Source: Quran The question originally asked if poker was forbidden in Islam, and why. The answers to that are that it isn't. Can poker be halal? : islam - reddit
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Is the income I earn Halal for me? There are debates whether this is ethical or unethical but I am more concerned about whether its Halal or Haram. Please note that I belong to a developing country where getting jobs and earning money is quite difficult. Is gambling haram in Islam? | Yahoo Answers